It is awful when your shopping online on a new site and they give you over-sold, hyped up descriptions that give you an understanding what the product was “Designed” to do but you’re left wondering following this that ultimately which we knew before we bought an item: 

- How strong is the aroma?

- How much of a coating remains?

- What is the Anti-Againg rating?

- Will this product cause my skin to detox?

We want to answer those questions for you so can feel comfortable with your buying decision.

That our anti-Aging star rating is 1 to 5 stars (5 being the best). 

The rating is based on each category independently. Meaning that the star system will show you which is best anti-aging product in that category (example- best in the category of cleansers)

Aroma Rating is 1 to 5 (5 being the strongest and noticeable) and remaining coating left on the skin is also rated 1 to 5 (5 being a non-smothering but you will surely feel well coated and not feeling the need to re-apply cream for several several hours-- You will not look greasy keep that in mind when seeing a rating of 5)

We will mention which products can cause a detox and please read the descriptions of our products carefully. All our products detoxify the skin but few will actually have a noticeable detox, we will make the comment “(Noticeable)”  in the description. We provided as much info as possible so you are fully informed and make the right decision based on your needs and your personal understanding of your skin. We do have a few products that contact animal by-products and we will carefully mark those out so our vegan shoppers do not buy that goes against their beliefs. 

We would also like to mention that we do vast research of the properties of the ingredients we use, but by no means do we make any claims of healing, treating, diagnosing, curing or preventing. We can only tell you why we choose the ingredients that we do, but make zero claims for our products. Since there are very strict policies for one to claim being 100% organic and chemical free; we cannot make those claims since we use the ingredients mentioned in our page WHAT ARE THOSE?? We want to offer you full transparency, we perfer to be honest and you make a conscientious decision that best suits you and your personal life beliefs, because skin care is a personal form of health care, mental care, confidence care and it is an exchange of trust between you and us. So we ask you to trust us when we say - that we truly want the best for you.

If you are uncertain which product or line is right for you please feel free to contact a ZANQARA representative by writing us at Info@Zanqara.com with your phone number and a convenient time for you to speak, and someone will call you.