Excellent for tightening large pores. The Correctoderm Cream Mask dries and balances oily skin. A must for pus filled blemishes (pimples). Detoxifying and antiseptic. Leaves the skin feeling CLEAN.
Ingredients: Chamomile Extract, Aloe Vera, Kosher Glycerin, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E & C, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Ginger Root, Cetearyl Alcohol, Lanette O, Lecithin, Menthol, Cremophor A-6, Lecithin, Lavender Oil, Kaolin Light, Tea Tree Oil, Butcher’s Broom, Arnica, Aconitum, Staphysagria, Phosphorus, China, Copper, Ionized Mineral Osmosis Water