A MUST for all skin types. This scrub rich in amino acids and silica minerals leaves skin indescribably smooth, moisturized and flawless. With the highest grade certified kosher/organic bamboo grains that penetrate vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your skin has been craving. This scrub is specially formulated with the purest raw materials and double the amount of Haberlea to leave your skin smoother, younger and softer than ever before. Emerge your skin into the wonders of Haberlea
Ingredients: Haberlea Rhodopensis, Duniella Salina, White Bamboo Extract, White Bamboo Mineral Grains, Lanette O, Cetearyl Alcohol, Meadowfoam Oil, Chamomile, Silica, Cesium, Germanium, Glutathione, Fenugreek, Blue Green Algae, Ionized Mineral Enriched Osmosis Water, Andiroba Oil, Kosher Glycerin, Hyaluronic Acid, Argan Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, E, F & B Complex, Lanette O, Staphysagria, Selenium, Champaka Oil, Cupuacu Butter, Ginkgo Biloba, Calendula Oil, Arnica Oil, Kukuinut Oil, White Lotus Extract, Cremophor A6-A25, Lecithin, Kosher Glycerin, Chaulmogra Oil
Size: 65ml