This ultra powerful gel mask contains four times the amount of Kosher Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid, producing results that leave our clients in disbelief. It not only provides a protective barrier from free radicals and damaging environmental factors, but, it nourishes, hydrates, firms, tightens, lifts, rejuvenate, Lubricates on a cellular level, and restores the skin to an optimum state of youthfulness. It feeds your skin and encourages the skin to reproduce new skin cells quicker. Hycoll 4 leaves the skin with a beautiful glow, fine lines, the saggy/droopy look dramatically decrease. Its truly a miracle mask that is impossible to keep on the self because you become emotionally high on the results of hycoll. This gel mask can be used under make-up or left on over night as an weekly alternative to a night cream. Hycoll 4 is incredibly light in texture, it dries matte and instantly you will see the results of tightening of the skin. It is comparable to Triple Amino Gel and Collagen Quick Lift but FOUR TIMES more powerful.
Ingredients: 4x Marine Collagen, 4x Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin A, B, C, D3, E & F, Vitaplant, Boron, Indium, Platinum, Liquid Honey, Royal Bee Jelly, Amino Acids, Ionized Mineral Enriched Osmosis Water, Kosher Glycerin, Carbopol 934, Lanette O, Cetearyl Alcohol, Bach & Hawaiian Flowers, Tangerine, Silicon, Lysine, Selenium, Ionic Copper & Gold, Homeopathic Tinctures