Pro-File Activator #2

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Necessary to activate and release the rejuvenating effects of Zansai's peelings. Contains enzyme catalyzers, an amalgam of botanicals, enzymatic and herbal compounds, Bach and Hawaiian flowers and trace elements. Soothes, activates, delivers nutrients, oxygenates, calms, hydrates, balances and tones. This product has been proven to be effective in the general well-being of the recipient because of the amazing effects of the Bach Flowers Remedies. May also be added to powder masks, rather than just water.

 Ingredients: Ionized Mineral Enriched Osmosis Water, Aloe Vera, Hexaplant, Ginkgo Biloba, Chlorophyll, Homeopathic Tinctures, Rescue Remedy, Azurite, Gold, Forget Me Not, Impatience, Moss Agate, Mallow, Garnet, Agate, Bach Flowers, Trace Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids, Ionized Minerals, Arnica, China, Chamomile, Staphysagria, Calendula

 Size: 100ml


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